Église Saint-Charles
Religious heritage, 19th century
in Le Creusot
The parish church of Saint-Charles was built in 1865 at the expense of Henri Schneider and his wife, and remained the property of the founders. The church was built on the plans of Roidot, an independent architect living in Autun (71). It was consecrated by Monseigneur de Marguerye, bishop of Autun, on 30 May 1865. In 1868, the choir was demolished to build a funeral crypt, increasing the volume of the apse. Mrs Marie-Julie-Zélie Schneider, who died at the age of 20, was the first to be...
The parish church of Saint-Charles was built in 1865 at the expense of Henri Schneider and his wife, and remained the property of the founders. The church was built on the plans of Roidot, an independent architect living in Autun (71). It was consecrated by Monseigneur de Marguerye, bishop of Autun, on 30 May 1865. In 1868, the choir was demolished to build a funeral crypt, increasing the volume of the apse. Mrs Marie-Julie-Zélie Schneider, who died at the age of 20, was the first to be buried in the crypt, with her two little twins. This crypt, located under the choir, is the crypt of the Schneider family.